Good morning Ede

We are also investigating another approaches apart from the gvSIG 1.X raster framework (the one used in Kosmo Desktop so far).

ImageIO/Ext was one of them, but we finally decided to update the raster framework from gvSIG CE, as they have solved most of the problems needed to generate a 64 bits build. The GDAL binaries we use come from ImageIO/Ext GDAL builds (currently we're using GDAL 1.9.2).

A. as your this is not your latest development. where can i find the 
development svn, to debug your latest state of the art code?

We don't have a public SVN but here you have the latest snapshot and binary build:

B. how did you manage taht the first load of e.g.
The "magic" is done by GDAL directly, as far as I know there isn't an intermediate layer like JAI in the process and it uses call to native C code through JNI. I dont' know if gvSIG (CE) has anything to improve the rendering speed like an intermediate cache or something similar...


El 04/10/2013 12:32, escribió:

after my latest modifications OJ is pretty close to what you described over at 
OJ user list as

- Kosmo Desktop 3.0 final will use the improved gvSIG CE raster framework: all 
the raster formats are read directly using GDAL libraries only (instead of a 
custom JNI binding, it uses official GDAL Java JNI bindings). ECW / MrSID / 
JPG2000 formats require building GDAL with support for them. This new approach 
will allow us to be able to read raster files with GDAL 32 and 64 bits binaries.
well, except the "gvSIG CE raster framework" of course. but generally the new 
Referenced Image reader uses

- ImageIO readers
- JAI.create("ImageRead",...)
- and more JAI.create() call to create a proper renderchain

the beautiful thing about this approach is: we can use any ImageReaderSpi 
registered. so simply adding ImageIO Ext jars e.g. does supply us with more 
formats, incl. GDAL (JP2k,ECW,NITF lots...), provided the native libs are in 
the path etc.

i already set up '' in eclipse, but loading images in a debug 
run fails (weird tree lock error). ok, just tried again, running with jre6, et 
voila. now i can debug :)

two questions:

A. as your this is not your latest development. where can i find the 
development svn, to debug your latest state of the art code?
B. how did you manage taht the first load of e.g.
is nearly instant?

..thanks ede


Sergio Baños Calvo

Jefe de desarrollos / Development chief
Sistemas Abiertos de Información Geográfica,S.L. (SAIG S.L.)
Tlfno. móvil / Mobile phone: (+34) 685005960
Tlfno. fijo / Office phone: (+34) 954788876


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