good idea.. ede

On 06.10.2014 15:38, Larry Becker wrote:
> Hi Michaël,
>   A bold new feature!  One question: are you considering the use of BeanShell 
> as the macro language?  This would multiply the power of macro recording by 
> making it a first step in script writing. 
> regards,
> Larry Becker
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 6:28 AM, Michael Michaud < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Macro recording an action on a selected layer :
>     There is an interesting question about plugins executed on a selected 
> layer
>     or category (some are dialogless like delete or copy/paste)
>     User starts a macro, delete selected layer A and stop the macro.
>     What is the expected behaviour when the macro is run again ?
>     - should it delete the selected layer (whatever its name is)
>     - or should it delete layer A, regardless of whether it is selected or 
> not.
>     Use cases are welcome to try to define a behaviour both consistent
>     and useful.
>     Michaël

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