On 06.10.2014 20:39, Michael Michaud wrote:
> Hi
>>> Hi,
>>> Macro recording an action on a selected layer :
>>> There is an interesting question about plugins executed on a selected layer
>>> or category (some are dialogless like delete or copy/paste)
>>> User starts a macro, delete selected layer A and stop the macro.
>>> What is the expected behaviour when the macro is run again ?
>>> - should it delete the selected layer (whatever its name is)
>>> - or should it delete layer A, regardless of whether it is selected or not.
>>> Use cases are welcome to try to define a behaviour both consistent
>>> and useful.
>> as the plugin works with selected layers i'd expect the recorded plugin to 
>> work on a selected layer as well. this, of course, raises the question how 
>> to control selection during macro playing.
> Yes, difficult question. I think it would be easier to rely on the layer 
> name by default
> (and it would make macro more independant from the UI),
> But maybe it would be possible to add an option to switch from layerName to
> selectedLayer during macro recording when it is really needed (the 
> parameter value
> would be changed from "MyLayer" to "${SelectedLayer}" for example.

maybe just another argument to have the macrorecorder create an editable script 
(beanshell, groovy ...) to allow users to finetune their macro.


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