Hi Peppe,
I cannot reproduce either again. It was a test made on a Vector and Raster layer together, it didn't (doesn't) happen if I test it on 2 vectors. I think that the new enablecheck implementation should avoid this sort of conflict/bug.
Thanks for testing again,
I agree with you: opening the possibility to have a true reprojecting implementation (like Kosmo or GvSIG) implies a strong OJ code reprogramming - probably not in our (economical, time, wish...) possibilities. My opinion is to leave everything as it is and work around the CTS plugins, maybe adding the possibility to read/write proj files (AdBToolbox, an OJ clone, has this feature, I will check the code on next days)
CTS has a proj parser. I don't know exacltly how to use it though. We don't have an explicit
match between prj files and epsg codes.
If we want to use the same CTSPlugIn, one solution could be to detect if a prj file is associated with the layer, and if it is, to deactivate the source coordinate system combobox (as we would take automatically the prj as the source coordinate system)

What is your idea ?



2014-12-14 14:17 GMT+01:00 <edgar.sol...@web.de <mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de>>:

    On 14.12.2014 13:55, Michael Michaud wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I propose to include CTSPlugIn into OpenJUMP in two steps
    > 1) inclusion in PLUS version after I checked with Peppe the
    > problem with undo
    > 2) studing how CRS can be managed at the project level (see
    > discussion after)
    > 3) inclusion in the CORE later if a good solution for a tighter
    > integration is found.
    > @peppe : undo bug : can you confirm the bug with 0.1.1 version
    > (and last OJ NB!). I did not fix undo but could not reproduce the
    > problem, so I will need a step by step description to reproduce
    > the problem you reported.
    > @ andrei : small dot bug : I could see the dot you noticed under the
    > cursor on my machine too. For me it disappears after a few seconds.
    > The bug is not harmful and I suspect it may be quite difficult
    to find
    > the root cause. I'll not invetigate further.
    > Tighter integration of CTS in OpenJUMP.
    > --------------------------------------------------------
    > OK, Peppe and Andrei want to get what most other GIS offer to
    > handle coordinate system. There are several approaches to do
    > that and all have a deep impact on teh code, and even on the
    > results of other plugins. I would like to share some thoughts :
    > I have a project in worldwide coordinates (WGS84) and datasources
    > (shapefiles, images, database) in local coordinates.
    > I can see at least two places where transformation can occur
    > 1) opening the datasource : in-memory representation of the data
    > could be reprojected without reprojecting datasource itself
    >      pros : data is transformed only once
    >      cons : datasource and in-memory data have not the same
    >                  it needs important modifications in the code.
    > back to
    >                  disk implies a double conversion where original
    > coordinates
    >                  may not be preserved, even if they have not
    been edited
    > 2) displaying the dataset : I think this is the way most GIS work.
    > Data is not altered but simply projected at display time. I
    prefer this
    > way,
    > but it implies transforming data after each pan/zoom. It also
    has deep
    > implication in editing tools as each edition operation must be
    > from project coordinate system to datasource one.
    > Choosing one approach or the other has consequences on most
    processes :
    > Intersection points computed between segments will not be the same,
    > buffer will not be the same, and hence all geometric results may
    > according to where the transformation takes place.
    > Debate is open
    > Michaël
    > PS : any choice has big implication in the code, hence my willing to
    > dissociate "transformation capability" as proposed by the
    current plugin
    > and tight integration wished by users.

    totally with you there.. that would be in line with keeping OJ
    lite, no "funny stuff" behind the scenes. integrating real time
    reprojection of the view is very major and i don't see a non
    disruptive way to do that, not even taking into account the man
    power needed to realize that.

    suggesting a reprojection when loading a different projection into
    a SRID marked project on the other hand, should be easy to realize
    and suffice for most i guess.


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