thanks for the analysis, Peppe. The proposal sounds good to me, if you want to go ahead. Warning messages before closing something are never wrong. I think QGis does ask too, when closing a project.





------ Originalnachricht ------
Von: Giuseppe Aruta
Datum: 24.06.2015 4:58
An: OpenJump develop and use;
Betreff:[JPP-Devel] OJ behaviour when it is closed without saving project file

Hi all,
I already post this mail to [JUMP] lis SVN. I put here also for user who are not involved on developing just to explore other opinion.

The test I did is on OpenJUMP 4508. This is a OJ behavior when it is closed "before saving the project file", in italics my comments:

a) Open OJ and load a vector layer. Than close OJ.
OJ shuts down with no warning to save the project.
This is a bit ambiguous as an user wants maybe only to loads vectors and save the project with no need do perform analysis .
In my opinion OJ should anyhow warns users if save the project

b) Open OJ and create a vector file, Than close OJ.
There are two types of warning according to what happens:
- if the new layer is only created OJ warns that an automatically generated layer is not saved - (automatically generated warning)
- if the new file is created and modified (ex. adding a feature), OJ warns that one (or more) datasets has been modified. - (modified warning)
This is OK. We probably can extend both warning dialog adding a list of the name of unsaved/modified layers

c) Open OJ and load a Sextante Raster Layer. Than close OJ
See OJ behaviour and comments at point a)

d) Open OJ, load a Sextante Raster Layer, than create a new Sextante Raster layer using Sextante Toolbox or other OJ tools. Than Close OJ (no vectors loaded/created).
OJ shuts down with no no warning to save the project.
This is fatal for users who are not aware about it, as they can loose all their work. We should add a warning message, like in point b) warning users that 1d) new raster layers have been created, 2d) these layers are temporary layers (they are saved into OS temp folder, users can lost them if they shut down the computer)

e) Open OJ and load a WMS Layer. Than close OJ
See OJ behaviour and comments at point a)

My conclusion:
1) I think we need anyhow a warning message that ask user to save the project (see point a, c and e)
2) extend the automatically generated warning  to the presence of "temporary raster layer" and to save them (see point d)
3) possibly add to the warning messages a list of a) modified vector layers, b) new vector layers, c) temporary raster layers (see point b and d)


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