On 14.12.2015 11:22, Nicolas Ribot wrote:
>     4.
>     what is the licensing for the icons? where do they come from?
> Postgresql: From official icons/logo: 
> http://www.postgresql.org/community/propaganda/, reduced and colors modified

ok these are, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License

would you mind to use one of these https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Logo ? they 
are licensed under these https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Trademark_Policy more 
loose terms.

> SQLite: favicon from site.considered it was public domain like the code (no 
> copyright on the page)

never assume, always research. we really don't need some copyright suit over 
eye candy ;)

ok, here is a spatialite logo

sqlite and it's graphics in source are public domain

> MySQL: took official logo, but now you pointed out, I see only 2 logos can be 
> used: https://www.mysql.fr/about/legal/trademark.html. 

yes, https://www.mysql.com/about/legal/logos.html states something similar

1. you could research what logos Kosmo is using
2. or simply create one yourself (redraw the dolphin or such)

>I will switch to mariaDB logo, I think falling in their "MariaDB's Extended 
>Fair Use" for our usage.

as i read it you could cut the seal and iconize it under these terms

> Oracle: Favicon from a web icons library site.

oracle seems to be most difficult .. let me simply draft one based on their O

> Current code tries to load mod_spatialite and report an error in the log if 
> not found.
> SQL queries won't be built if no spatialite extension is found. I only test 
> it on my platform, where mod_spatialite is installed.

as i see you strive for GIS flavored dbms you should of course generally choose 
an icon representing these (eg. Spatialite instead of Sqlite)


and now comes the fun part. once we agreed on the icons, please document them 
and their license in /etc/readme.txt under '1. Licensing -> icons'

so far.. ede

PS: find an homemade oracle icon attached (GPL3)
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