On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 06:39:29PM -0400, Stephen Fulton wrote:

> Thanks Steinar.  I've also found out that the PICs will support number 
> from 1-4093, so that is one less concern to worry about.  The bundle I'm 
> looking at is an M7i with "5 GE ports" so I've assumed that it's really 
> 4 PICs and one built-in GE for management purposes.

Erm no, it looks like the bundle you're referring to consists of an M7i 
with a built-in GE port (not for management, that's done via a 100 Mbps 
port) and a single PIC with 4 GE ports: PE-4GE-TYPE1-SFP-IQ2. Again: this 
is a *single* PIC with *four* GE ports, which means that there is 
oversubscription. See http://www.juniper.net/products/modules/100163.pdf

It also means that your M7i will still have 3 PIC slots left for

This bundle is certainly NOT an M7i with a GE port built in and four
regular, 1-port GE PICS, I'm afraid.
Niels Raijer           |                 "I thought the ocean,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |          The ocean thought nothing..." 
http://www.fusix.nl    |      
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