Chris Kawchuk schrieb:


> You are correct. cFEB can be either 128 or 256. Again, since the cFEB
> has all the actual forwarding routes for the router's ASIC's, you mya be
> able to get away with only 128M for now, but again, as the global
> routing table gets bigger and bigger, you may run into a limit.

but not because of the DRAM on the FEB. The forwarding-tables itself are 
stored in the SRAM from the FEB and on M7i CFEB it's 8MB in size(maybe 
available with 16mb, I don't know) which can hold up to approximately 
550.000 routes. The dram only has a copy of the SRAM content.
But the dram is important for other things like arp entries.

> Likewise, if you start adding L3VPNs, and add more and more MPLS/VPN
> routes,  you will run into the 128 Mb limit quickly.
> Hence, 256M is strongly recommended.

I agree.


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