I'll give anybody a BGP feed for $40 a month :)


Henry Hoang wrote:
> What I have done in the past is to buy a BGP feed over T1 line wiring to
> the lab. Here it the thing. If the ISP knows you are trying to get BGP
> feed to the lab just for testing. They would not allow it. The trick is
> you just mention that you want a kinda "read-only", a copy of BGP
> internet table. The ISP will filter out any route update from your lab
> site. 
> As mentioned by others, You can use IXIA/Spirent to generate
> routes..make sure the router can handle up to 1 million routes for BGP
> internet routing table :-) hey...our planet is just fine, just we are
> getting crowded..If you want to fun time, set up your linux PC as a BGP
> router. Download the BGP internet table from the internet. Import it
> into your linux router...BGP peer with your test device...Voila.
> Cheers,
> HH 
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leigh Porter
> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:58 AM
> Cc: juniper-nsp; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [j-nsp] How to load a lot of prefixes
> Notepad can handle 25000 lines?
> ;-0
> --
> Leigh
>> There are several products that can generate routes for testing
> depending 
>> on your budget.  IXIA devices for example will do this and more.  I
> wanted 
>> to the same thing a few months ago and I ended ip logging into a few
> route 
>> servers and outputting a sh route/sh ip route to a text file.  Then I
> just 
>> used notepad to add the commands to configure the routes as static
> routes 
>> and pasted the result into the router.  This is no way to get the full
>> table, but I got about 25,000 routes (until I got bored).  If you
> really 
>> want it to look like the real table you can add the routes to
> different 
>> routers and advertise them from actual ISP AS numbers and/or modify
> the AS 
>> path using with random policies.  I did this with cisco boxes so YMMV.
>> Keegan
>> "wang dong bei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> 02/20/08 12:05 PM
>> To
>> juniper-nsp <juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net>
>> cc
>> Subject
>> [j-nsp] How to load a lot of prefixes
>> Hi talented minds,
>> I want to do some testing with BGP and I need to inject a lots of
> routes,
>> preferably the entire Internet routing table, into some of the routers
> of 
>> an
>> isolated lab. My initial approach is to capture the "show route bgp" 
>> output
>> from one of my routers and massage the data into the "set
> routing-options
>> static prefix....." and load everything into my testing routers.
> However,
>> the script is more difficult to write, the result is full of errors,
> and
>> when I load the config, it somehow hang my terminal sessions.
>> So are there anyways to quickly populate the routing table of my
> testing
>> routers by administrative configuration means?
>> thanks for your help.
>> regards,
>> dong bei
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