On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 07:59:52AM -0700, Bill Blackford wrote:
> I'm a bit confused on the current versioning train. I have 9.4R1.8
> running on my 3200's. People have posted on this list stating that the
> latest is the greatest with the EX series being so new and all. With
> that strategy in mind, I'm getting ready to upgrade the latest 9.5.
> Yesterday, my Juniper rep sent me a notification about 9.3S1.6. This
> seems to be a special release and perhaps outside of the standard
> train.

Juniper has always done special service releases (SRs) for people who
encountered issues with code and needed a fix before the usual release
cycle. These were basically just daily builds that they pulled out and
ran regression tests on before releasing it to customers. Of course the
regression testing helps, but the danger with any daily build is that
you're incorporating all the changes that have been made to the entire
branch (not just fixes for a handful of serious issues), and thus you're
risking breaking more stuff than you fixed.

Calling a service release that would be between 9.3R3 and 9.3R4 
"9.3S1.6" is certainly a little confusing, and this is definitely the 
first I've heard of it. Can someone from Juniper comment on that this is 
intended to be? Is it a daily build SR, a fork of the code at some 
point, an EX specific thing, or what?

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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