On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 08:01:51AM -0600, Chris Kawchuk wrote:
> You can override the SNMP-reported "bandwidth" of an interface by the  
> following:
> The "bandwidth" line is what will be reported as the SNMP interface  
> bandwidth of say, a VLAN interface. Note the original interface is 1G,  
> and all VLAns will also be reported as 1G. However, since I know this  
> interface eventually connects to a 100M LAN switch, I can set it  
> lower. Your SNMP manager will then read this during it's interface  
> collection/sweep, and do the calculation to see if it exceeds some pre- 
> defined threshold (50%, 70%, 90%) etc. Cacti does it (and can raise an  
> alarm), network-weathermap does it (and email you), etc...

Unfortunately this isn't supported on ae subinterfaces, which IMHO is 
where you usually need it most. :(

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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