On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:18:44AM -0400, Paul Stewart wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for the response.
> I did want to add one last thing to the comment below regarding " you
> get what you pay for".  We pay just over 10X the price for Juniper
> authentic SFP's to date compared to generic.  In the past 10 years
> I've had exactly 2 generic SFP's fail in the Cisco world.  With this
> substantial price increase to Juniper authentic why wouldn't they
> build in dB meters in their SFP's?

Remember all the problem caused by them shipping REs for m7i/m10i with
only notebook rated (4 hour use per day) hard-drives rather than server
rated (24 hours use per day) drives, for a cost savings of ~$25? :)

1GE LX is the magic line where they make some slightly cheaper optics
that don't include DOM, for every other product they don't even bother
making it without. The price difference is probably about $10 on the
wholesale side.


Notice the only GE product available without DOM support?

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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