
I'm trying to simply re-advertise some prefixes in a 3 iBGP speakers serial topology. Second router [in the middle] should set both 1rst & 3rd routers as reflector client.
Does the process just simply add this command in second router ?.

If so then, I didn't see that my engine supports this command.
Or I missed another pre-step to have this command to appear.

Thanks in Advance
a. rahman isnaini r.sutan

# set neighbor ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
  advertise-inactive   Advertise inactive routes
advertise-peer-as Advertise routes received from the same autonomous system
+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except  Don't inherit configuration data from these groups
  as-override          Replace neighbor AS number with our AS number
  authentication-key   MD5 authentication key
  cluster              Cluster identifier
  damping              Enable route flap damping
  description          Text description
+ export               Export policy
> family               Protocol family for NLRIs in updates
> graceful-restart     BGP graceful restart options
hold-time Hold time used when negotiating with a peer (6..65535)
+ import               Import policy
  include-mp-next-hop  Include NEXT-HOP attribute in multiprotocol updates
  ipsec-sa             IPSec SA name
  keep                 How to retain routes in the routing table
  local-address        Address of local end of BGP session
> local-as             Local autonomous system number
  local-interface      Local interface for IPv6 link local EBGP peering
  local-preference     Value of LOCAL_PREF path attribute
  log-updown           Log a message for peer state transitions
> metric-out           Route metric sent in MED
  mtu-discovery        Enable TCP path MTU discovery
> multihop             Configure an EBGP multihop session
  multipath            Allow load sharing among multiple BGP paths
no-advertise-peer-as Don't advertise routes received from the same autonomous system
  no-aggregator-id     Set router ID in aggregator path attribute to 0
  no-client-reflect    Disable intracluster route redistribution
  out-delay            How long before exporting routes from routing table
  passive              Do not send open messages to a peer
  peer-as              Peer autonomous system number (1..65535)
  preference           Preference value
  remove-private       Remove well-known private AS numbers
> traceoptions         Trace options for BGP
  vpn-apply-export     Apply BGP export policy when exporting VPN routes
  |                    Pipe through a command
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