
On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 11:56:56AM +0100, Felix Sch?ueren wrote:
show arp no-resolve | match x/y/z | save tempfile
(which takes ~5 seconds on an ethernet router with just ~20k ARP entries)
start shell
awk '{print "clear arp hostname " $2}' < tempfile

and then copy-paste hundreds or thousands of "clear arp" lines.

A quick tip - JUNOS's cli is generally well-behaved shell, which means
you can just use cli in your pipeline.  This will do it:

echo "show arp no-resolve" | cli | grep 'x/y/z' | awk '{ print "clear arp hostname 
" $2 }' | cli
good tip. You don't have to echo | cli, "cli -c" works as well, so, even shorter:

start shell
cli -c 'show arp no-resolve' | grep 'x/y/z' | awk '{ print "clear arp hostname " $2 }' | cli

but I'd much prefer J fix clearp arp ;)


Felix Schüren
Head of Network

Host Europe GmbH -
Welserstraße 14 - 51149 Köln - Germany
Telefon: 0800 467 8387 - Fax: +49 180 5 66 3233 (*)
HRB 28495 Amtsgericht Köln - USt-IdNr.: DE187370678
Uwe Braun - Alex Collins - Mark Joseph - Patrick Pulvermüller

(*) 0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunkpreise ggf. abweichend

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