On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 12:01:18AM -0600, TCIS List Acct wrote:
> No, we are not spaced constrained.
> I forgot to mention we are looking to spend as little money as possible, 
> and are OK with older gear :-)  We've got 4 M7i's at the edge in production 
> now and could probably buy a few more to use for this, but the # of Gig-E 
> interfaces in the M7i might constrain us eventually (will not be a 
> throughput constraint at all).
> Maybe a M10i or even some of the J-series might work?  These devices will 
> be gateway devices for our distribution switches and not sit at the edge of 
> the network.  They just need to be able to hold at least a full routing 
> table (when I said 4 full tables before, that was the # of upstreams we 
> take routes from, but I know we have only ~300K or so routes actually 
> active in the router)

Existing M7i/M10i boxes are pretty darn old, and IMHO are getting very
close to the end of their useful lifespans. Even with the new CFEB-E
boards (which bring I-chip capabilities and put the old ABC-chip design
out to pasture), RE-400 or even an upgraded RE-850 are not exactly
modern or stellar performers on the control-plane, especially given the
rate that JUNOS is bloating itself. For about the same price as a
redundant M10i with 4xGE you could wait and get an MX80 with 4x10GE and
48x10/100/1000, and have a throughly modern platform which is FAR more
likely to still be useable in 2-5 years from now. Unless you're putting 
this up against a $4k ebay special, you should really be far better off 
buying an MX80 when they come out.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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