On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 02:25:16AM -0400, Michael Phung wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> We just tired installing a MPC-3D-16XGE-SFPP on a MX960 running
> 10.0R2.10 on slot 0 and got a error "FPC 0 misconfigured". After this
> message, any attempt to "online" the FPC just fails with the same
> message again. The output of "show chassis fpc" shows the following;
>                      Temp  CPU Utilization (%)   Memory    Utilization (%)
> Slot State            (C)  Total  Interrupt      DRAM (MB) Heap     Buffer
>   0  Offline         ---FPC misconfiguration---
>   1  Online            28     12          0       1024       23         33
> Anyone else encounter this problem before? This is occurring on 2
> separate cards on different routers, so I don't think the cards are
> faulty.

Is the other card in the chassis a trio card as well? You can't mix trio 
and non-trio cards until 10.2, and you can't run the MPC/MIC cards until 

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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