I have a RE-850 with Compact Flash and PATA 2.5" form factor HDD
installed. However, both of these are zero-filled. What are the
general guidelines to get JONOS running on this RE?

Boot order in BIOS is following:

Compact Flash
Primary IDE Hard Disk

As I have no "PCMCIA ATA Flash Card" in RE, I think it's smart to
start with CF. Are the required steps something like this:

1) insert compact flash card(1GB) to laptop using CF-to-PC-Card adapter

2) create MBR partition table like this(CF card is associated with /dev/sdb):

printf "0,1024,a5,*\n0,0\n0,0\n0,0\n;\n" | sfdisk -uM /dev/sdb

..it will make a partition in 1024MB size with "system ID" a5(FreeBSD)
and make it bootable. Other three primary partitions are not used. In
other words output should be something like this:

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *           1        2030     1023088+  a5  FreeBSD

3) make filesystem to this /dev/sdb1 partition using ufsutils mkfs.ufs utility:

mkfs.ufs -O 1 /dev/sdb1

..however, I'm very unsure, should I enable journaling, is volume name
needed or any other more advanced filesystem options(?)

4) as I understand, now I need to install FreeBSD in order to install
jinstall-xxxx.tgz bundle using pkg_add later. How to accomplish
FreeBSD installation in such conditions? Which version should I
install? Or are there any other possibilities to get JUNOS running on

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