On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 08:07:57AM -0400, Paul Stewart wrote:
> Hi folks.
> These are "10KM" optics - how short of a run can you use them for?  We 
> have several of these spared at the moment and I'd like to use them 
> for connections between MX480's in the same rack. will they run too 
> hot?


See page 79. LR and below has no blindness danger even back-to-back, ER 
has a blindness danger but not a damage danger, and ZR you can actually 
damage if you don't have enough attenuation before going into the 

We don't even bother with shorter reach optics, after way too many 
issues encountered with SR and the like. It's easier (and cheaper if you 
have the right sources) to just buy all LR and standardize on SMF than 
it is to bother maintaining two inventories and mucking with orange 
cables even for intra-rack stuff.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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