On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, Chris Evans wrote:

It seems like alot of folks run bleeding edge code with some if these major
bugs popping up.I also get the impression that a lot of shops don't test
code before they deploy.

That depends on your definition of 'test' :) Seriously, though. I've seen shops do a "does-it-boot" test, some very impressive regression testing, or somewhere in the middle.

People have to strike a balance between the number of person-hours spent regression-testing a new code release and the impact of tripping a bug that snuck through your testing. Many places I've seen don't have the ability to perfectly replicate their production environment in their testing lab, so the testing becomes about having a reasonable level of confidence.

I'll agree that bleeding-edge code should be avoided in production, however there are cases for some people where there isn't a choice. Support for a new piece of hardware or a new feature that suddenly becomes critically important is one example. Another could be where a bug fix is needed, and that bug is only being fixed (initially) in newer code releases.

Sadly, we've all probably been there... :(

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