On Sat, Jun 04, 2011 at 12:04:09AM +0800, Mark Tinka wrote:
> One thing to think seriously about is whether you're going to run your 
> MX's with a mixture of DPC's and MPC's. Depending on which features 
> you need to turn on, you may not be able to boot DPC cards if you have 
> MPC's installed as well.
> I'd seriously suggest checking with your SE before turning up any 
> features if you're going to mix DPC's and MPC's, or if certain 
> features for the MPC's "seem" kinky. We've had too much pain for some 
> items.

Agreed 100%, plus getting line-rate out of a mixed DPC/MPC environment 
is a real bitch for a number of reasons, so you'll be MUCH better off if 
you convert a whole chassis at a time. Though I will say that 10.4R4 
didn't give us ANY grief when doing mixed DPC/MPC during the actual 
conversion maintenance, which is a first for the dozen or so places 
where we've done this already. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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