I'd set community on a static routes themselves for each netblock announced via 
BGP and then use an export filter to filter external BGP announcements to that 
specific community.

set routing-options static route x.x.x.x/y discard
set routing-options static route x.x.x.x/y preference 130
set routing-options static route x.x.x.x/y community a:z
set policy-options policy-statement BlahFuck term 1 from community a:z
set policy-options policy-statement BlahFuck term 1 then accept


Xavier Beaudouin [k...@oav.net] wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the chance to have a bunch of juniper to replace my openbgpd
> routers.
> I am trying to make same configuration as I did on OpenBGPd and I am
> a bit stuck on bgp and communities.
> On bgpd.conf (openbgpd) I have these lines :
> network set { community 65530:1000 med 5 }
> network 3ffe:1234::/32 set { community 65530:1000 med 5 }
> After I use only bgp communities to make filters on my side.
> I understand how to make bgp filters with communities but not how to
> set these networks (belonging to my asn) with such basics
> attributes.
> Kind regards
> PS: network number and asn are fictious in this case... :p
> -- 
> Xavier Beaudouin
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