> The router with simple-va functionality enabled will not install nor
> withdraw even single additional route on top of what it would do when
> simple-va feature is not enabled. So it is guaranteed to be no less then
> today.

OK, OK, I've read the draft quite some time ago, and I also liked it :) You
just didn't understand what I meant (actually not I, RAS was the first, as
always :).

> We simply added logic to table-map filter code which with matches on next
> hop of less specific route suppresses covered more specifics with identical
> next hop.

But what if the less specific flaps? Yeah, shorter prefixes are less flappy,
but we must not forget that the covered and covering routes can be (and most
probably are) originated from different ASes. With a full table 1
new/withdrawn route means ≤1 new/withdrawn/changed FIB entry. With simple-va
a single prefix flap can mean quite a lot of new entries. The problem, which
can arise here, is not the number of FIB entries, but the speed of
populating (BTW, EX8200 is not the best here either). I'm not saying this is
a problem definitely, but just wondering if someone has researched, whether
(and when) this can become a problem in real life.
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