On (2012-04-13 15:20 +0800), Xu Hu wrote:

> Recently heard so many times about CGN, but i still don't understand what
> is the difference between NAT and CGN, can any expert explain what's the
> CGN.

That is good question :). I think it's just marketing for doing NAT in very
high scale, regardless how the NAT is done.
Usually with CGN it is implied that you are addressing problem of address

And when ever it is 1-to-1, trio should be able to do it technically, but
n-to-1 isn't going to fly without additional hardware.
EVen IPv6 to IPV4 I think should be doable in Trio, like when IPv6 DADDR
has embedded IPV4 address of IPV4 only host, I think that could be
implementable in trio.
But never buy anything, if you can't deploy it today, in long-term
supported software release. Otherwise consider feature non-existing. Which
is the case for CGN and MX5.

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