You can try to connect the EX-SW-1 to ISG-FW-2, and also EX-SW-2 to ISG-FW-1.

From: Rehan Rafi
Date: 2012-05-15 16:40
To: juniper-nsp
Subject: [j-nsp] Failing VRRP on EX Switches
Hello All,

I would like to know how we can fail VRRP from master to backup in case
where physical ports are still up but the remote device has failed to
secondary device.

Scenario is like this:

EX-SW-1 ---------------- ISG-FW-1
    |                                |
  Trunk                         HA
    |                                |
EX-SW-2 ---------------- ISG-FW-2

Here if for VLAN 30 EX-SW-1 is master and SW-2 is backup and in case FW1
has failed to FW2 but still physical link between SW-1 and FW-1 is still up
VRRP is not failovering and routes are still active through that link.

How we can resolve this issue? Track-IP might be one of option but I am
also looking for other solutions. Your response will be highly appreciated.



Rehan Rafi

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