On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 08:12:40 PM Tom Storey wrote:

> Assuming space were not an issue, is there a reason why
> you might avoid something like an M320, or maybe a T320,
> being the traditional "multi-protocol" boxes?
> Im just a curious bystander, trying to learn. :-)

Well, the MX can now support SONET/SDH, DS-3 and ATM. That 
said, given how "quick" an MX slot is, the lower the port 
speed you stick in it, the higher your operating costs.

The same rings true for the M320/T320 boxes. If you want 
really low speed, would suggest an M7i/M10i or even an 
ASR1000 (the latter being better as it also has decent 
Ethernet capacity).

Otherwise, if the majority of your interconnects are going 
to be Ethernet, the M-series has seen its days (although 
even with non-Ethernet support on the MX, the ASR1000 still 
kicks its behind when you consider complex mix-and-match 

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