Thomas Eichhorn <> writes:

> has anybody here asked JNPR for the source code of the
> GPL-licensed parts in their products? I currently just
> wonder which all parts they have used and maybe if there
> is some hidden web page containing that stuff.
> I don't want to go snail mailing them, as there EULA
> requires me - anybody with experiences in this?

I don't think it ever *required* this.  The text used "may", indicating
that this was an option but not necessarily the only one.

Anyway, the snail mail suggestion is not there anymore:

17. Third Party Software. Any licensor of Juniper whose software is
    embedded in the Software and any supplier of Juniper whose products
    or technology are embedded in (or services are accessed by) the
    Software shall be a third party beneficiary with respect to this
    Agreement, and such licensor or vendor shall have the right to
    enforce this Agreement in its own name as if it were Juniper. In
    addition, certain third party software may be provided with the
    Software and is subject to the accompanying license(s), if any, of
    its respective owner(s). To the extent portions of the Software are
    distributed under and subject to open source licenses obligating
    Juniper to make the source code for such portions publicly available
    (such as the GNU General Public License ("GPL") or the GNU Library
    General Public License ("LGPL")), Juniper will make such source code
    portions (including Juniper modifications, as appropriate) available
    upon request for a period of up to three years from the date of
    distribution. You may obtain a copy of the GPL at, and a copy of the LGPL at Open source information and
    information on contacting Juniper can be found at as applicable.

So request the source the same way you would request an image, just like
the GPL gives you the right to.  I.e., open a JTAC case. Did you try this?


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