The PR number is 836197. The PDF is also online for anyone to view it.

Liam Hynes

On Feb 11, 2013, at 6:59 PM, Jeff Wheeler wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Sebastian Wiesinger
> <> wrote:
>> I noticed that a MX80 takes quite a long time after reboot to put all
>> routes into the KRT. Is that normal for that box? It takes around 10
>> minutes after BGP is established to get all the routes into the KRT
> Yes, the routes taking a long time to install is "normal,"
> unfortunately.  I feel like it has got worse since 10.4 but that might
> be my imagination.
> I am sorry I missed Richard Steenbergen's lightning talk at NANOG,
> which was something like "if you want your routers to install routes,
> call Juniper and reference PR#<whatever> because they do not want to
> fix this bug."
> I am hopeful that the move away from a single Junos release strategy
> to some segregation among different products will allow Juniper to be
> more flexible in how they allocate development resources to different
> platforms.
> If I had to guess, I'd say the ddos-related log messages you are
> reading are related to excessive need to generate ttl_exceeded packets
> because of routing loops while BGP is announcing to neighboring
> routers but the routes are not actually installed in the FIB yet.
> Even if I am wrong about the specifics here, I am certain it is only a
> symptom of the problem which is unrelated to the ddos-protection
> feature.
> -- 
> Jeff S Wheeler <>
> Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts
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