On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 02:24:18 PM Richard A 
Steenbergen wrote:

> I really can't imagine
> that the benefit of selling an extra MX240 chassis, even
> if sold at regular price, is worth the money being lost
> from everyone else.

One would hazard that the twisted thinking of someone at 
Juniper is that get yet-another-MX chassis into the 
customer's network, and hope that some bean-counting schmuck 
will say to the Engineering team, "Hey, why do you want me 
to buy another MX chassis yet you have this big thing which 
can run both your route reflector function and the Multicast 
video services the Board is asking us to push by Q4'some 

Since new products need low capital to get off the ground, 
Juniper will see an order for new line cards for what was a 
dedicated route reflector, and perhaps down the line, expect 
the customer to order another chassis so they can "get back" 
there dedicated route reflector once the new product starts 
making money...

... or something silly like all that. Who knows what Juniper 
are thinking? I stopped caring.


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