
I met very ugly problem yesterday. Consider following scheme:

                     ================ Cisco ASR 1006
Customer ========| Juniper EX4200 |
                     ================ Juniper MX480

Customer connected by one VLAN to both routers and established BGP session with both.

Suddenly his router starts to send around 10000 packets per second. Most of them are exactly this:

"1","0.000000","","","IGMPv3","60","Membership Query, general"

MX480 is just dying from this flood of packets, where ASR is fine.

I know that several DDoS policies are preconfigured to protect RE from these situations but tresholds didn't trigger, so RE should handle them:

show ddos-protection protocols igmp
Packet types: 1, Modified: 0, Received traffic: 1, Currently violated: 0
Currently tracked flows: 0, Total detected flows: 0
* = User configured value

Protocol Group: IGMP

  Packet type: aggregate (Aggregate for all igmp traffic)
    Aggregate policer configuration:
      Bandwidth:        20000 pps
      Burst:            20000 packets
      Recover time:     300 seconds
      Enabled:          Yes
    Flow detection configuration:
      Detection mode: Automatic  Detect time:  3 seconds
      Log flows:      Yes        Recover time: 60 seconds
      Timeout flows:  No         Timeout time: 300 seconds
      Flow aggregation level configuration:
        Aggregation level   Detection mode  Control mode  Flow rate
        Subscriber          Automatic       Drop          10 pps
        Logical interface   Automatic       Drop          10 pps
        Physical interface  Automatic       Drop          20000 pps
    System-wide information:
      Aggregate bandwidth is never violated
      Received:  7268549             Arrival rate:     0 pps
      Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 17204 pps
    Routing Engine information:
      Bandwidth: 20000 pps, Burst: 20000 packets, enabled
      Aggregate policer is never violated
      Received:  4270279             Arrival rate:     0 pps
      Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 9979 pps
        Dropped by individual policers: 0
    FPC slot 1 information:
      Bandwidth: 100% (20000 pps), Burst: 100% (20000 packets), enabled
      Aggregate policer is never violated
      Received:  1658                Arrival rate:     0 pps
      Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 2 pps
        Dropped by individual policers: 0
        Dropped by flow suppression:    0
    FPC slot 2 information:
      Bandwidth: 100% (20000 pps), Burst: 100% (20000 packets), enabled
      Aggregate policer is never violated
      Received:  7266879             Arrival rate:     0 pps
      Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 17204 pps
        Dropped by individual policers: 0
        Dropped by flow suppression:    0
    FPC slot 3 information:
      Bandwidth: 100% (20000 pps), Burst: 100% (20000 packets), enabled
      Aggregate policer is never violated
      Received:  12                  Arrival rate:     0 pps
      Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 0 pps
        Dropped by individual policers: 0
        Dropped by flow suppression:    0

Anybody have experience with configuration of additional mechanisms? Anybody nave recommendations for threshold tuning?

I'm gonna to open ticket in JTAC of course, but here i can get faster answers. Thank You in advance.

Best regards,
Misak Khachatryan,
Head of Network Administration
and Monitoring Department,
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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