can u check the link below



On Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:57 PM, Misak Khachatryan <> 
>I met very ugly problem yesterday. Consider following scheme:
>                      ================ Cisco ASR 1006
>                      |
>Customer ========| Juniper EX4200 |
>                      |
>                      ================ Juniper MX480
>Customer connected by one VLAN to both routers and established BGP 
>session with both.
>Suddenly his router starts to send around 10000 packets per second. Most 
>of them are exactly this:
>"1","0.000000","","","IGMPv3","60","Membership Query, 
>MX480 is just dying from this flood of packets, where ASR is fine.
>I know that several DDoS policies are preconfigured to protect RE from 
>these situations but tresholds didn't trigger, so RE should handle them:
>show ddos-protection protocols igmp
>Packet types: 1, Modified: 0, Received traffic: 1, Currently violated: 0
>Currently tracked flows: 0, Total detected flows: 0
>* = User configured value
>Protocol Group: IGMP
>   Packet type: aggregate (Aggregate for all igmp traffic)
>     Aggregate policer configuration:
>       Bandwidth:        20000 pps
>       Burst:            20000 packets
>       Recover time:     300 seconds
>       Enabled:          Yes
>     Flow detection configuration:
>       Detection mode: Automatic  Detect time:  3 seconds
>       Log flows:      Yes        Recover time: 60 seconds
>       Timeout flows:  No         Timeout time: 300 seconds
>       Flow aggregation level configuration:
>         Aggregation level   Detection mode  Control mode  Flow rate
>         Subscriber          Automatic       Drop          10 pps
>         Logical interface   Automatic       Drop          10 pps
>         Physical interface  Automatic       Drop          20000 pps
>     System-wide information:
>       Aggregate bandwidth is never violated
>       Received:  7268549             Arrival rate:     0 pps
>       Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 17204 pps
>     Routing Engine information:
>       Bandwidth: 20000 pps, Burst: 20000 packets, enabled
>       Aggregate policer is never violated
>       Received:  4270279             Arrival rate:     0 pps
>       Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 9979 pps
>         Dropped by individual policers: 0
>     FPC slot 1 information:
>       Bandwidth: 100% (20000 pps), Burst: 100% (20000 packets), enabled
>       Aggregate policer is never violated
>       Received:  1658                Arrival rate:     0 pps
>       Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 2 pps
>         Dropped by individual policers: 0
>         Dropped by flow suppression:    0
>     FPC slot 2 information:
>       Bandwidth: 100% (20000 pps), Burst: 100% (20000 packets), enabled
>       Aggregate policer is never violated
>       Received:  7266879             Arrival rate:     0 pps
>       Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 17204 pps
>         Dropped by individual policers: 0
>         Dropped by flow suppression:    0
>     FPC slot 3 information:
>       Bandwidth: 100% (20000 pps), Burst: 100% (20000 packets), enabled
>       Aggregate policer is never violated
>       Received:  12                  Arrival rate:     0 pps
>       Dropped:   0                   Max arrival rate: 0 pps
>         Dropped by individual policers: 0
>         Dropped by flow suppression:    0
>Anybody have experience with configuration of additional mechanisms? 
>Anybody nave recommendations for threshold tuning?
>I'm gonna to open ticket in JTAC of course, but here i can get faster 
>answers. Thank You in advance.
>Best regards,
>Misak Khachatryan,
>Head of Network Administration
>and Monitoring Department,
>juniper-nsp mailing list
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