
I'm currently deploying SRX110/210/240.

After having configured the IPv4 part, i'm willing to configure IPv6 VRRP.

It however seems the functionnality is severely broken in many points:

[1] states:
- VRRP for IPv6 will not work if the Branch SRX platform is processing IPv6 in flow mode. - If the SRX is processing IPv6 in packet mode...However, even in this state, the SRX will not be able to process any packets, which are forwarded to the VIP address.

This is quite not useful.

The 'solution' offered on [1] is to set the interface in promisc mode...which:
1/ is not really a good advice since all packets will hit the PFE
2/ is not possible if you are using aggregated (ae) interfaces

How did you guys solve this issue ?


[1]: http://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB23988&actp=search&viewlocale=en_US&searchid=1258894870731
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