
        Not quite sure what you mean by groups, I usually just refer
to them in cisco-land as "types, ibgp/ebgp" until I'm actually using
the peer-group neighbor statements. As for the command, you might try
show route receive-protocol bgp <neighbor>. This is a pretty good
reference: http://networking.ringofsaturn.com/Cisco/ciscojuniper.php
and Juniper has some pretty good documentation as well.


On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 7:39 AM, Eng. Bahaa via juniper-nsp
<juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net> wrote:
> Hi Guys,I am new with this group and with Juniper products as well.I curious 
> to know the behaviour of BGP routing with Juniper routers.With Cisco router, 
> a BGP speaker deals by default with all external peers as one group and with 
> internal peers as another group.With external peers,it starts a timer of 30 
> seconds after each announce or forwarded update/updates to other neighbors 
> while it send it directly with 0 seconds to internal peers (on the same 
> AS).My question is Juniper routers work in the same behaviour?I really 
> appreciate if someone has configured BGP in Juniper router and send me the 
> o/p of show ip bgp update-groups (this a cisco command not really sure how it 
> looks like in Juniper).
> Regards
> Bahaa
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