Thank's for clearification, that helps. So the SCB itself is only responsible for the available bandwidth per slot but is not and will never be a memory limitation?


Am 22.07.2015 um 23:51 schrieb Chris Kawchuk:

On 23/07/2015, at 1:30 AM, Jeff Meyers <> wrote:

yes, we did (at least since yesterday) although we are not really requiring 
more ports or bandwidth right now. If I understand that correctly, I need to 
upgrade to SCB2 as well?

nope -- no need to go to MPC+SCB2 combo.

original SCBs work fine with MPC1 MPC2.2E, etc.. albeit limited to 120G/slot 
only, which is fine as MPC2 can only do 80G anyways in/out

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