Le 02/06/2016 à 00:02, Olivier Benghozi a écrit :
This is not completely contradictory with the Juniper doc ; as usual with the 
Juniper doc written with feet, you have to read between the lines:

-> Written in the doc: "Tip: You need not restart the routing protocol process (rpd) 
to use the 64-bit mode"
-> To be understood: "Joke: You need not restart rpd yourself, because it will be 
done automatically at the commit and ruin your network for about 10 minutes".

The famous commit roulette :)
It was a good addition if juniper can provide a way of seeing what will be impacted during a commit. (with a pub/sub model it should be trivial).

Raphael Mazelier
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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