On 30/Jul/20 08:33, Daniel Verlouw wrote:

> which Nokia platform are you looking at? 7250 IXR is also
> Qumran/Jericho, Nokia is just hiding it everywhere they can...

All of Nokia's revised Metro-E platforms are Broadcom-based. It appears
to be the gentleman's handshake amongst all the equipment vendors that
Metro-E be cheap & cheerful, so they are all doing Broadcom.

We are looking at all of them:

  * IXR-e = Qumran UX
  * IXR-E = Qumran AX
  * IXR-s = Qumran MX
  * IXR-R4 = Qumran AX
  * IXR-R6 = Qumran MX
  * IXR-Xs = Jericho 2
  * IXR-X1 = Jericho 2

The Qumran units probably won't go anywhere with us. There is better
hope with the Jericho 2 unit, but even then, we are already seeing
fundamental issues on paper.

It's like I've been saying for some time now... if all the vendors are
going to be using the same chip for a platform in the same area of the
network, then the only differentiator is going to be what code customers
like to work with. Within the traditional vendors, I don't think that
matters much because their code is mature and well understood within the
networking community.

What you hear from the traditional vendors is that they "have the best
relationship with Brodacom vis-a-vis how they work with their SDK to
make the chip do what they want better than their competitors". If they
are all saying the same thing in that regard, not sure how true it is.

Ultimately, if you are going to end up with the same hardware issues
across all vendor platforms (unless some vendors decide to do clever but
costly things like recirculation, e.t.c.), what is the real value, then?


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