That's right, it's ridiculous: the person in charge actually just clicks on
«print as PDF» from its Juniper_internal_only_web_access, and uses the
Portrait format instead of Landscape: therefore some part of the text is
frequently eaten on the right of the document.
No proofreading, no check, no nothing...

Le ven. 15 mars 2024 à 18:41, Andrey Kostin via juniper-nsp <> a écrit :

> Hi Juniper-NSP readers,
> Did anybody mention that recent Junos Release Notes are now published as
> pdf, instead of usual web page?
> Here is the example:
> What do you think about it?
> For me, it's very inconvenient. To click links to PR or copy one
> paragraph I now have to download the pdf and open it in Acrobat. Please
> chime in and maybe our voices will be heard.

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