From: "Education World Weekly Newsletter"
Sent: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 08:22:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Education World Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue 37

Education World Weekly Newsletter

Volume 6, Issue 37
September 10, 2002


Dear Education Professionals,
Welcome to What's New This Week at Education World, published weekly as a
free service by Education World(R). You are receiving this newsletter
because you have signed up to receive updates of What's New at Education
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network, by and for educators. This Internet community brings together the
collective experience of teachers from all over.  Members problem-solve on
topics from accountability to stress management, share great resources, and
find other teachers like themselves to help tackle the challenges of


Education World's newsletter is brought to you by Discovery Channel School

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Fifty States, Five Lessons
Stuck for fun or new ways to teach about the 50 states (or Canadian
provinces and Australian states)? This week, Education World offers five
lessons to liven up your 50 States unit. Included:
Lessons in language, math, phys ed, more!

Mystery State Game Tests Students' Knowledge of 50 States
Which state is the "Badger State"? Which states were independent nations
before becoming states? Where would you find the most crayfish? The Mystery
State quiz will help your students learn about the 50 states as it improves
their research skills. Give them one set of clues a week, or one clue a
day, and see who is first to figure out the Mystery State!

Teacher-Submitted Lesson: Shaving Cream Spelling
Catina Stewart, who teaches at Albertville (Alabama) Elementary School,
submitted this week's lesson. Students use shaving cream for hands-on
spelling practice.

Writing Bug: A Different Kind of Day
Each week, Writing Bug provides a story starter or journal-writing activity
for students. This reproducible student worksheet is a ready-made activity.
Just print it out and hand it out!


Student Books Capture Feelings About 9/11
Ongoing class discussions about the terrorist attacks on September 11 made
teachers realize that students needed more outlets for their thoughts and
feelings. Many educators turned to writing and art projects that culminated
in published collections of students' work, providing the children and
others with a permanent emotional record of 9/11 and the days that


Software Basics
A Techtorial: Why is 'hard copy' soft and 'software' hard?

Educators Review Software: NetSupport School
NetSupport School is a software application that allows teachers to display
their computer screens on students' computers, to monitor students'
computer screens, to chat with students in individual or group discussions,
to distribute files, and to send and collect course work automatically.
NetSupport School, available in English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese,
Arabic and Portuguese, can be used with an entire class, with small groups
of students, or with individual students. The program also can be used by
administrators or teacher trainers to conduct professional development
workshops and inservice classes.

WebQuest Discovery of the Week: Personal Budget WebQuest
How much does the "real world" cost?


StarrPoints: 20 Teacher-Tested Tips for a Stress-Free Year
Do you greet the start of a new school year with anticipation liberally
laced with anxiety? Does the pressure of dealing with student lethargy,
parental demands, and administrative imperatives cause you to wear a path
in your hardwood floors? Is ulcer medication the first item on your weekly
grocery list? Have you tried all the traditional tips for lowering
job-related stress and found them ineffective? Have we got a tip (or 20)
for you!

Back-to-School Survivor Day Offers Lessons About Quality Learning
This week, Brenda Dyck recounts how her school's administrators used the
Survivor TV show as a theme to strengthen teams, build camaraderie, present
challenges -- and teach a few lessons about how to create a quality
classroom environment for students!

School Doodle: Same Old Carrot, Different Stick.
The School Doodle cartoon of the week.

No Educator Left Behind: Testing
No Educator Left Behind is an occasional series providing answers from the
U.S. Department of Education to questions about the federal No Child Left
Behind Act and how it will affect educators.

EDscoops: September 5
Pilot Program to Toughen Courses
Charter Schools Post Lower Scores
Substitute Pool Deepens
Comfortable Classroom Can Enhance Learning


Could Four-Day Weeks Work for You?
Some school districts looking to save time and money have switched to
four-day school weeks, either leaving the fifth day free or available for
tutoring and parent conferences. Although some superintendents favor the
concentrated class time, some say the wear and tear from a longer day has
not been worth it for staff or students.


EcoKids Online
Raise kids' environmental awareness.

Teaching 9-11
Help students make sense of the unexplainable.

Child Trends
Research and data analysis help improve the lives of children.

The Catalyst: Chemistry Resources for Teachers
Resource for chemistry teachers.



Pardon this quick break from this week's What's New This Week at Education
World newsletter.
We just wanted to let you know that a NEW newsletter is in the works --

********* Education World's Education Humor Newsletter **********
debuts the week of September 9!

Sign up now on our newsletter signup page:



Sincerely, Lisa Gryskiewicz
Education World (R)

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