Date:         Tue, 24 Sep 2002 17:12:32 -0700
From:         Classroom Connect -- Quest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      September 24, 2002
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Quest Newsletter
September 24, 2002

1)      Preview Week Begins September 30
2)      Meet the Quest Team
3)      Join the Community
4)      Visit the Library


ColumbusQuest is almost here!

1) Preview Week Begins September 30

Next Monday, September 30 marks the launch of the Preview Week on the
ColumbusQuest Web site. Join Classroom Connect's team of scientists and
explorers as they partner with students to follow Christopher Columbus's first
voyage through the Bahamas to Cuba. Help solve one of the great mysteries in
history of exploration: Where did Columbus first set foot in the New World?

While the team will not be transmitting live from the Caribbean during Preview
Week, they will be sending their daily reports and asking you and your students

for help in planning where they will visit first. The site will be fully
interactive, and each day your class can vote on important team decisions.
Preview Week is an opportunity for you and your students to get familiar with
all of the reports and features available to you on the site. Just as with any
reading material, students will attain a much greater understanding of the site

once they preview it first and learn what to expect.

Join ColumbusQuest for Preview Week on Monday, September 30.

Check out some of The Quest Channel resources available to you right now in the

sections below.

Week One begins October 7!


2) Meet the Quest Team

Visit the Team page on The Quest Channel to meet the team. Discover who your
traveling companions will be and what each of them is responsible for. By
reading the team biographies on this page, your students will gain a better
sense of how a Quest is put together and the individuals who bring the Quests
their computers.



3) Join the Community

The Quest team is made up of many more people than just the expedition team.
and every other teacher and student who participates in ColumbusQuest are also
part of the team. The Community section of The Quest Channel is where you can
interact with other students, experts, and the Quest team. Student Discussions
have already begun - be sure to join them!



4) Visit the Library

If you need to conduct research on a ColumbusQuest-related subject, the Library

is the place to begin. You can search the Library using key words to find the
best learning resources on the Web!  Be sure to check out the Glossary and look

through our list of definitions and pronunciations to help you learn new terms
and pronounce words. The Library is always growing. If you know of resources
that you would like to see added to the Library, let us know through either the

Student Discussion or the Teacher's Discussion.



You can access ALL of our past Quests at

Share ideas and get advice from other Quest teachers at

Your students can interact with other Quest classrooms at

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