From: TheHomeSchoolMom's Free Homeschool Resources [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 6:25 PM

Welcome to the October 15 issue of TheHomeSchoolMom's Free Homeschool Resources! Last week was a busy one for me with visitors to our home and all of the activity with the sniper in our area. Traffic in town was at a standstill after the last attack, which prompted police to shut down all of the local access to I-95 (the main artery through our city). Please pray that this serial killer will be stopped quickly before anyone else is hurt.

Recently, my family and I became interested in healthy eating. We knew that sugar was not the best choice to eat, although not why, and I had researched enough to know that anything natural is better than anything manmade (for example, butter is better than margarine), but we didn't know much more than that. While browsing the bookstore shelves, I found a book that explains it all in plain English, from a practical, medical, and biblical perspective. What the Bible Says About Healthy Living is the most concise and balanced view I have found for anyone wanting to change their lifestyle to a more healthy one. The concept is simple, the examples given are backed up with documented research, and the writing is conversational in tone. The ideas found here are easy to implement and do not require drastic dietary changes. I cannot recommend this book highly enough for any Christian wanting to ! know more about God's design for food.

Last issue I mentioned the Read to Feed program from Heifer International. I received my teacher's packet less than a week after ordering it, and I am even more impressed after looking it over. Be sure you check our archives for this great resource that will teach your child about third world countries, encourage him to read, and raise money for a worthy cause. This week there are too many new academic contests to highlight in one issue (look for the rest in the next issue) as well as a few new sites of interest, so it is a full newsletter!

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~~~~ Contents ~~~~


1. Feature Articles on TheHomeSchoolMom.Com


2. Blowout Deals


3. Are you looking to supplement your family income?


4. Educational Sites & Freebies


5. Great Teacher Sites


7. Get a FREE CD-ROM & gift when you join the InterActive Kids CD-ROM Club!


7. Details and subscription information



1. Feature Articles on TheHomeSchoolMom


Temporary Downsizing? by Gary Foreman


2. Great Deals  



This 5 CD set from Comptons provides self-help, step-by-step coverage of all high school mathematics, science, and language even includes SAT test prep software from Kaplan!


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4. Educational Sites & Freebies


Normally I do not highlight geographically specific academic contests, but there are so many Virginians on TheHomeSchoolMom list that I wanted to point out this contest for Virginia High School Students. Awards will be based on essay, oratory, and poster entries, and will be $500 and $1000 for second and first place winners. For official entry information, email [EMAIL PROTECTED].


Students have an opportunity to to read and write about Ayn Rand's fiction novels Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged. Each age group is asked to read a specific novel and write an essay on one of the given topics. Ayn Rand was an immigrant from Russia in the late 1920's who wrote about broad topics such as socialism through the lives of individual characters. I have not read her novels and as always, discretion is recommended before suggesting any title to your children. The website has a synopsis of each novel and some info about the life of Ayn Rand, as well as educator resources.


This annual contest from Craftsman gives your budding inventor in grades 2-8 to conceive, design, and build a tool that makes life easier or safer in some way, entertains, or solves an everyday problem. Entries must be recieved no later than March 4, 2003 and the top prize is a $10,000 savings bond. Every student who enters the competition with a completed entry will receive a personalized certificate of appreciation and a small gift.


This vocaulary contest for grades 4-8 is sponsored by Reader's Digest. Homeschooled students are invited to enter. Reader's Digest provides the questions and answers for the contest at all levels. Questions address the subject of vocabulary in a variety of question formats. Some questions require a straight definition; others require knowledge of a word's antonym or its proper use in a sentence. Students may be asked questions about words derived from other languages and words categorized by different themes or topics. Answers may be requested in writing and/or orally. There are four levels of competition: classroom, grade, state and national. At the classroom level, there is a minimum requirement of six students from each of the participating, eligible grades. Classroom winners from each grade compete to determine a grade level winner. To compete for advancement from grade to state level, each grade level winner must take the written Qualifying Test. U! p to one hundred of the highest-scoring students in a state or territory advance to the state level. The first-place winner from each state contest advances to the national level. The first-place winner from each state level competition will advance to the National Championship of the Reader's Digest National Word Power Challenge, scheduled to take place in March 2003, at Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, VA. Reader's Digest will pay the transportation and accommodation expenses for all State/Territory Contest winners and their teacher-escorts (one per student).


ThinkQuest (TQ) Quiz Cup is an educational activity which is organized and sponsored by Miksike Learning Environment, ThinkQuest Inc. and many others. Learners all over the world have created more than 5,000 web sites to search and surf in the TQ Internet Challenge Library. This extensive easy-to-use library will serve as the online resource for researching questions included in the quiz. The TQ Quiz Cup will consist of three different competitions, to be launched in October, November and December (see sample questions below). In each competition, quiz questions will be published online for a two week period. Each competition consists of ten or more questions submitted by project participants and organizers. The TQ Quiz Cup is targeted for lifelong learners all over the world. Participation is free. Both individual and team par! ticipation is permitted.


In 300 to 400 words tell us how you think engineers have changed and continue to change the world. Focus your essay on one of the following topics: 1)Engineering's Great Achievements: What engineering achievement do you consider to be the greatest? Why? 2) History's Great Engineers: Who would you nominate for an Engineering Hall of Fame? Why? 3) The Future of Engineering: What is one of the significant technologies that engineers will develop in the next 50 years? How will it change the world? The contest is open to ALL students in grades 6-12. Essays will be judged on the basis of organization, depth of detail, and the author's use of language (grammar and punctuation). Awards will be given out in two divisions: grades 6-8 and grades 9-12. Authors of first place essays will receive $200; second place, ! $100; and third place, $50. Prizes will be awarded for top essays in each topic area in both divisions. Winning essays in each topic area will be published on the EngineerGirl website. Entries must be received by January 17, 2003.


One of our readers submitted this site that she found while searching for helps to teach and evaluate writing for her middle school aged students. Kim's Korner has some nice tips that will translate well from the classroom setting to a homeschool. Thanks to Becky K. for submitting this site.


Gisela Hausmann, the author of obvious LETTERS, offers a free program of ideas for teaching your child to read through her website. You only have to send a blank email to Educ-Easy and you will receive a package of ideas how you can practice the ABCs and reading basic words every day.

5. Great teacher sites



Sites For Teachers
Sites for Teachers is regularly featured in TheHomeSchoolMom Newsletter because it is one stop shopping for lesson plans, activity sheets, unit studies, and more. Over 500 of the best teacher sites! Another plug for one of my favorite sites, Learning Page, which is currently at number 19. They provide thousands of professionally produced, learning materials for the elementary classroom. Printable worksheets, books, clip art, activities and lesson plans for preschool, kindergarten, first, second, and third grade can be downloaded. Everything on Learning Page is FREE!


Top Teacher Sites has put together a list with the top 200 teacher sites that they have found on the web. Great resources! I love the fact that these resources always have new sites on them. Activity
Idea Place (number 20) has some great themed ideas and a huge list of ideas to do with apples that would be great for right now!


Want to use your GI Bill or Military Tuition Assistance benefits but don't think you have the time to earn your college degree - think again! University of Phoenix Online has comprehensive Web-based programs that deliver unparalleled convenience and flexibility in the pursuit of your degree. Click to find out more.

7. Details and subscription information








If you have found an education site you would like to share, please send it

Hope you found something useful for your homeschool in this issue of
TheHomeSchoolMom newsletter! More great stuff next time...


Mary Ann Kelley
Editor, TheHomeSchoolMom Newsletter

Copyright 2002 TheHomeSchoolMom.Com
All Rights Reserved


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