
        Hello! Two important comments:

> > 1. First, when I use Connect the first time, I see "Searching
> >    for Partnership File....". It takes ~3 seconds to popup
> >    after I hit the Connect button, but it works. The second
> >    time, though, it reads "Initiating Remote Network Search...".
> >    This suggests there's two different things going on?
> This is old part of source.
> It seems to me that this depends on what machine first initiates
> connection.

        Actually, this is an important point: I'm only testing
with one side of the connection trying to initiate a connection.
I'm working on PC1, I leave PC2 alone with Kaboodle running. I
never touch PC2 after I install the appropriate Partnership file.

        Try this: turn Kaboodle off on PC2, and try to connect
from PC1. The second time you try, it will report "Initiating
Remote Network Search". Actually, it will first report the
"Direct Connection..." splash screen, which sometimes appears
at position 0,0 in the window, not centered. Anyhow...

> > 3. Looking in the Gnutella.log file, it appears to be connecting
> >    not to gnutella.getengaged.net, but to itself. That can't
> >    be right. :) It *should* show in this file that it's connected
> >    to the remote server, shouldn't it?
> Kaboodle on PC1 have valid IP address.
> Kaboodle on PC2 have chanded IP address.
> Users on both Kaboodles push "Connect" button.

        Ah! Okay, here's why we're speaking past each other: the
VPN needs to work if only *one* Kaboodle user pushes the Connect
        Here's the process I need to work. In this example, both
PC1 and PC2 have a Partnership file for the other guy installed,
but in both cases the IP address has changed:

0. User on PC1 starts Kaboodle. Its Gnucleus client needs a
   startup server: it connects to Gnutella.GetEngaged.Net and
   reports an error if it cannot. User on PC2 does the same
   thing. I'm absolutely certain this is how it used to work.
   The startup server may have been called "gnutella.echogent.com"
   back then (I'm checking my old source code snapshots now).
1. User on PC1 pushes "Connect". Kaboodle on PC1 should first
   try a direct connection to PC2 via the IP-address-2 it reads
   from the Partnership file.
2. Since PC2's IP address has changed, #1 will not work. It should
   timeout in 5 to 10 seconds.
3. Kaboodle on PC1 then queries Gnutella.GetEngaged.Net looking
   for PC2's Partnership file. Since PC2's Gnucleus client has
   connected to this server as well, the search *should* be
4. If the search is successful, Kaboodle on PC1 now has the
   current, active IP address of Kaboodle on PC2. It can now

        Please confirm that this is you understanding of the
intended operation of VPN partner discovery.



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