On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 09:12:44 -0600 (MDT)
Timothy Stack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > I gave JBoss another try recently and finally got to a
> > point where I really don't know what to do.
> > 
> > As you will know, java.lang.ClassLoader contains two
> > different loadClass methods, one that takes a String
> > and a boolean as its parameters and one that takes
> > only a String. Whenever kaffe has to load some class
> > using a user defined loader, it invokes the two parameter
> > form of loadClass.
> Looks like this is just wrong, the javadoc says the single parameter one 
> should be called...

I'll commit the change to classMethod.c, then.
> > JBOSS however contains a class loader that only overrides
> > the loadClass(String) method, but not the other one.
> > This means that it doesn't work with kaffe at the moment,
> > because some classes will not be found.
> Hmm, they should be overriding findClass(), is there any reason why they 
> needed to use loadClass()?

Their class loader looks like this:

 public static Object create(final Class intf,
                               final ObjectName name,
                               final MBeanServer server)
      // make a which delegates to MBeanProxyInstance's cl for it's class resolution
      ClassLoader cl = new ClassLoader(intf.getClassLoader())
         public Class loadClass(final String className) throws ClassNotFoundException
            try {
               return super.loadClass(className);
            catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
               // only allow loading of MBeanProxyInstance from this loader
               if (className.equals(MBeanProxyInstance.class.getName())) {
               // was some other classname, throw the CNFE
               throw e;

      return Proxy.newProxyInstance(cl,
                                    new Class[] { MBeanProxyInstance.class, intf },
                                    new MBeanProxyExt(name, server));

So I think they could as well move the catch block
into a findClass() method.


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