Hi Stuart,

Stuart Ballard wrote:
I'm looking for the "latest" source code of KJC because I need a Free Software Java compiler written in Java to use as a starting point for a project I'm hoping to work on. I'm a little confused as to where I should find the latest code.

KJC developers don't often do releases, but I heard that their CVS is quite lively. See http://www.dms.at/kopi/download/cvs.html .

Kaffe's version is .. uh .. slightly forked atm, due to no official releases from kjc developers for some time and some unfortunate miscommunication between them and me.

Kaffe's patches are in the kaffe-extras repository in the CVS. Just check out kaffe-extras, run the script, and it will fetch the necessary bits and build kjc with the patches for you.

Ito reported success with janino, a small, embeddable Java compiler available here http://www.janino.net/

Is either of these the "official" latest version of KJC? Is there an "official" latest version of KJC at all? Is either (or any other) under active development? My project may involve wanting to push some changes back into KJC - is that likely to be possible?

Citing from [1]

"Every compiler of the Kopi suite extend KJC; thus every change to the
Java compiler potentially affects (breaks) each of these systems, which
are vital for our business."

So I don't think external changes to KJC have a great chance of showing up in the original version unless they are rock solid for what DMS does, and as they have a business depending on it, I doubt they'll take a chance. The kjc developer mailing lists are very silent, except for the ocassional bug report.

dalibor topic

[1] http://www.kaffe.org/pipermail/kaffe/2004-January/044865.html

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