Alex Turner wrote:
| On Sat, 1 May 1999, David Jones wrote:
| > Alex Turner wrote:
| > | Also, has anyone got kaffe working with JDBC and Apache?
| > 
| > I have Kaffe working with the PostgresQL JDBC driver, running on a Mentor
| > Graphics 425 workstation.
| > 
| Brilliant, did it take much work, and how did you did it?

1. Get Kaffe working on the m68k.  Follow Kiyo Inaba's instructions: get the
   latest version from CVS, and disable anything remotely resembling shared
   libraries or JIT.

   -> Perform the regression tests, and make sure that Kaffe works solidly.

2. Get PostgresQL working on the m68k.  There is a bug in the autoconf script
   that prevents Postgres from building correctly on the m68k.  To fix,
   change the definition of PGRESULT_ALIGN_BOUNDARY in
   interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c to read:

   #define PGRESULT_ALIGN_BOUNDARY         4

   -> Perform the PostgresQL regression tests and analyze.

3. Compile the JDBC driver that comes with PostgresQL.  This driver has an
   incompatibility with Kaffe: it uses different implementations for JDK 1.1
   and JDK 1.2/Java2.  It auto-detects which JDK is in use by examining
   the value returned from the java.version property: if it starts with "1.1"
   then you have 1.1, else you have 1.2.  Of course, Kaffe returns "1.0b4",
   Postgres tries to use the Java2 collection classes, and kaboom.

   You will need to hard-code 1.1 into jdbc/postgresql/, as
   well as  Once you try this, the Makefile that comes with
   PostgresQL should work fine.

At this point, just follow the instructions that come with the JDBC driver.
It "just worked".  Quite slowly, since there is no working JIT for m68k, but
it did work.  It's important to make sure that Kaffe and PostgresQL work by
themselves first, before trying the JDBC driver.

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