Excellent (alhtough I myself are running i386).  Has anyone managed to get
it working with apache?

On Sat, 1 May 1999, David Jones wrote:

> Alex Turner wrote:
> | 
> | On Sat, 1 May 1999, David Jones wrote:
> | 
> | > Alex Turner wrote:
> | > | Also, has anyone got kaffe working with JDBC and Apache?
> | > 
> | > I have Kaffe working with the PostgresQL JDBC driver, running on a Mentor
> | > Graphics 425 workstation.
> | > 
> | 
> | Brilliant, did it take much work, and how did you did it?
> 1. Get Kaffe working on the m68k.  Follow Kiyo Inaba's instructions: get the
>    latest version from CVS, and disable anything remotely resembling shared
>    libraries or JIT.
>    -> Perform the regression tests, and make sure that Kaffe works solidly.
> 2. Get PostgresQL working on the m68k.  There is a bug in the autoconf script
>    that prevents Postgres from building correctly on the m68k.  To fix,
>    change the definition of PGRESULT_ALIGN_BOUNDARY in
>    interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c to read:
>    #define PGRESULT_ALIGN_BOUNDARY         4
>    -> Perform the PostgresQL regression tests and analyze.
> 3. Compile the JDBC driver that comes with PostgresQL.  This driver has an
>    incompatibility with Kaffe: it uses different implementations for JDK 1.1
>    and JDK 1.2/Java2.  It auto-detects which JDK is in use by examining
>    the value returned from the java.version property: if it starts with "1.1"
>    then you have 1.1, else you have 1.2.  Of course, Kaffe returns "1.0b4",
>    Postgres tries to use the Java2 collection classes, and kaboom.
>    You will need to hard-code 1.1 into jdbc/postgresql/Driver.java, as
>    well as makeVersion.java.  Once you try this, the Makefile that comes with
>    PostgresQL should work fine.
> At this point, just follow the instructions that come with the JDBC driver.
> It "just worked".  Quite slowly, since there is no working JIT for m68k, but
> it did work.  It's important to make sure that Kaffe and PostgresQL work by
> themselves first, before trying the JDBC driver.

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