Thanks a lot for the answer.
Other: What's te status of ? No news since along time, now.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Artur Biesiadowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: mardi, 11. avril 2000 17:22
> Subject: Re: General question
> Jean-Eric Cuendet wrote:
> > 
> > I have a general JAVA question and a particular Kaffe one:
> > - In Java, there is 2 things : JVM and classes
> > What is the differences between Java 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 in 
> these areas? Is
> > there modifications in the JVM classes interpretations?
> > Or is there only classes modifications? (2D addition, 
> String can do more
> > things in 1.2 than in 1.1, etc...)
> Main bulk of changes goes into classlib, but unfortuantely there are
> more or less subtle changes required to core JVM to support them.
> Biggest thing I can think of are java.lang.ref classes - they require
> tight integration with gc. I suppose that classloader handling is also
> something that requires changes to core vm. For 1.0 -> 1.1 
> change, there
> is also a java.lang.reflect - another package that is best implemented
> with JVM knowing about it.
> In addition to these, there is a lot of changes in native 
> part of class
> library. In theory JNI should separate it from JVM, but in 
> reality it is
> not so good - especially when core lib is concerned.
> > And in these areas, what's the status of Kaffe? Is it JVM 
> 1.2 compliant?
> No, at least not the GPL version. I know that at least 
> java.lang.ref and
> Java2D are missing - somebody more knowledgeable can possibly 
> elaborate
> more on that.
> > Or is there no differences, so only the classes added in 
> 1.2 needs to be added
> > in Kaffe to make it 1.2 compliant?
> There is a heck lot of them. You need to write native libraries to
> support them, so it is java + C. But if you mean "classes" = 
> "classes +
> supporting native libs", then yes, except java.lang.ref part 
> I suppose.
> But there are no freely available Java 2 class lib - classpath is only
> partially done (and hardest part - Java2D is not even started).
> Artur

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