On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Julien Dumesnil wrote:

> PRE: that's a 2 in 1 followup to what Archie and Artur wrote:
> > Julien Dumesnil writes:
> > > Hum... could you clarify that? Does it mean that there's another version
> > > of kaffe that is not in the GPL?
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> > Yes.. see http://www.transvirtual.com. They have a "custom edition"
> > as well.
> > 
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Artur wrote:
> >There is also a Kaffe Custom Edition, which runs on embedded systems and
> >have some goodies in it - for example I've heard that dos version has
> >it's own AWT implementation allowing to run it on bare dos.
> Is it more advanced than the GPL version? Or is it a stable, thus older, 
> version of the opensourced  version we all have?
> Did they sign some agreement with Sun to port their JVM?
> The bottom line being "are they completely different products?".
> I'm asking this because I'm trying to use Java on a cobalt Raq2 (that's a
> mips machine), and the only thing I could find was Kaffe. (but not
> everything I write compiles correctly - mainly two reasons, I guess, me,
> being not good ;-) and Kaffe, not being completely 1.2 compliant.).
> (strangely enough the regression tests don't give me the same errors on my
> desktop PC and on my cobalt... some work on my PC and not on the cobalt
> and vice versa)
> So if transvirtual has a more advanced kaffe, then maybe I should just use
> their version instead of fooling around... 
> I guess the thing is to find the right java machine and put money in it,
> right? :-)
>       -= J.DUMESNIL =-
> ________________________________________________________________
> Alopex                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ================================================================

The "best" thing for you to do is write your code on your desktop
with the Sun JDK 1.2 installed. Then when your code is finished
and you have created your regression tests, compile and run the
same code on Kaffe (the GPLed version). If the code does not compile
with Kaffe, post a note to the list describing the problem. If you
can not fix it yourself, I am sure someone can help you figure
out how to fix it. If you can fix the problem yourself, then
fix the bug in Kaffe and send a patch to the list.

Mo Dejong
Red Hat Inc.

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