On Mar 3, 2:11 pm, Steve <unetright.thebas...@xoxy.net> wrote:
> What should happen in my opinion is that at some point we should go
> from getting WSAEINVALID back to a single EWOULDBLOCK when the first
> connection is refused and then a brand new connection is started.  But
> we never do see that.  That transition would be a good place to
> realize we had a connection refused.  And even then we'd still never
> know if the connection was silently ignored.

This behavior that I expected for a connection refused is in fact what
I see if I run the python interpreter and manually try to repeatedly
connect to a connection refused port.  Depending on how fast my
fingers, I see 1-2 WSAEINVALIDs and then I see a wouldblock as a new
connection is tried.  I don't understand why the TCPClient code only
sees an infinte set of WSAEINVALIDs.


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