Hi Michael,

Thank you for the great feedback.  I'm in the process of updating all
the classes to incorporate many of your suggestions.  Before I'm
finished with that though, I have to tell you I'm really struggling
with finding peace with the "Inheritable Default Values" approach.

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Michael Sparks - spark...@gmail.com wrote:
>    tickmessage = True
>    delay = 1
>    check_interval = None
>    def __init__(self, **argd):
>        super(SingleTick, self).__init__(**argd)
>        if self.check_interval is None or self.check_interval > self.delay:
>            self.check_interval = self.delay
>   * Use of class attributes to provide default values, and enabling the
>      **argd code to override the default values.
>         - cf http://www.kamaelia.org/InheritableDefaultValues

First let me say that I read that link before my first submission and
chose not to go that way because I didn't feel comfortable with it.
After your feedback, I went back and re-read the wiki entry several
more times.  I'm feeling more comfortable, but there's still some
reluctance.  If possible, I'd like you to try to help me understand
how to use this more comfortably.

The most obvious problem I have with this approach is what you've
already admitted is the major downside.  You lose the self-documenting
nature of the __init__ routines.  If I have to go to the extra trouble
to document these optional[*] parameters, where is this best place to
do that?  The class docstring?  The init method docstring?

Notice my [*] on the word optional?  That is the second and more
philosophical problem I have with the "Inheritable Default Values"
approach.  The name of the approach implies to me that we are going to
use "inheritance" for "default value" parameters.  And parameters that
have default values are what I call optional.

But, your wiki entry shows using this approach for ALL parameters; in
effect making all parameters optional.  And this really sticks in my
craw.  Closely related to that pain is what I see in your wiki entry
of conflating two different scenarios: subclassing and factory

First let me address the "all parameters are optional" pain.  I have
found peace with using this "inheritance" method for limited
decoupling of honestly optional parameters for the purposes of
subclassing.  Let's take my simple class SingleTick.  Normally init
would take 3 parameters: a delay, a tick_mesg, and check_interval.

To me, it makes perfect sense to make the tick_mesg and check_interval
optional as there are sensible defaults.  But the delay parameter
should IMO be required.  It doesn't make sense to me to provide a
default nor to decouple future subclasses from that core parameter.
What message to send, how often to check for early termination, maybe
a callback(?) for early termination - those kind of things seem
nebulous enough to warrant the "inheritance" method.

So I would suggest an init signature of:
tick_mesg = True
check_interval = None
 __init__(self, delay, **kwargs)

But I don't think it makes sense to move delay into the **kwargs as
well.  And in your wiki example, I think the port and protocol
parameters falls in this same category.  It seems like those should be
non-optional arguments broken out of more flexible parameters like
socket options.

While keeping basic necessary core parameters as non-optional does add
slightly to the typing for factory functions, I don't think it's an
unreasonable trade-off to stay in line with the principle of "explicit
is better than implicit".  And while more esoteric parameters might
change over time, I don't see a major risk is coupling those
fundamentally required parameters.

To boil it down, I can see this approach useful for optional
parameters with defaults, but I think it sacrifices too much clarity
for negligible gain when used for fundamentally necessary parameters.
That said, it seems you came to a different internal equilibrium and I
would really appreciate it if you could help me see it from your


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