Background of Renews 2010

The  main theme of Renews 2010 - Energy Conference is “Toward the  
Sustainability of Energy in Indonesia: Hydrocarbon Outlooks and Trends  of 
Renewable Energy“. The primary objective of Renews 2010 is to bridge,  
communicate and disseminate the information on hydrocarbon and  renewable 
between Indonesia and Germany.

Facilitated and  co-organized by Directorate-General for Oil and Gas of 
of  Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia (Ditjen Migas  
Kementerian ESDM); and Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Berlin (KBRI 
Berlin), Renews 2010 is organized by Indonesian Student Union in  Germany (PPI 
Jerman) and supported by International Indonesian Scholars Association (I-4).

Renews  2010 will be held from 12-13 October 2010 in Rotes Rathaus (Town Hall), 
Berlin. All the speeches, sessions and documents will be presented in  English. 

Online registration procedure

All  attendees are required to register for attending Renews 2010. First  phase 
for online registration has to be succesfully made on Friday, 3 September 2010 
at 18:00 CET at the latest. If the limit of attendees has been reached, 
registration  could be closed earlier and further registered applicants will be 
automatically putting on the waiting list.

However, the second phase for online registration will be opened on Tuesday, 7 
September 2010 only if there are still seats available.

Please  note that first priority to be given only for those applicants who  
reside in Germany. (i) Participants of Student Paper Contest, (ii)  organizing 
committees of Renews 2010, (iii) conference speakers, and  (iv) individual 
donors do not have to  register online, because they will set up automatically 
as Renews'  attendees.

Formal confirmation and further information will be  delivered only to the 
admitted applicants not more than 7x24 hours after  the each phase registration 
deadline. For  attending Renews 2010, you must be listed in our database or 
either  received a formal confirmation or an invitation from the organizing  
committee as your formal receipt. Otherwise, you are not allowed to attend it.  

Please  be aware that we do not open any on-site registration for security  
reason, and also do not provide any reservation for housing or  accommodation 
for attendees either. All information regarding your stay  in Berlin will be 
provided soon in Renews 2010's website or you can  contact us for more 
information at .

Whether  you are already an enthusiast or just  curious about energy, register 
online now and join us! Admission  includes lunches and coffee breaks, keynote  
speaking session, panel discussion sessions, presentation sessions,  student 
paper contest sessions and networking opportunities with  panelists, speakers 
and fellow attendees.

Click here for online registration

In an effort to help us addressing renewable energy concerns, we kindly request 
voluntary donation.

Click here for secure online donation using PayPal

Click here to join the Organizing Committee

Or you can go directly to our website for further  information on registration, 
program, etc. at :

Prepared and published by
the Organizing Committee of Renews 2010
"prepare yourself.  explore yourself. express yourself."

(Mohon informasi ini dapat disebarluaskan)
 -Honesty Yanwirsal M.Sc-  


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