What is Special in Pematang Siantar? 


This was a famous city during the colonial time for it had a lot of
newspapers of various backgrounds, publishers, and people of many
ethnics. Even today, we can still find this plurality through temples of
many background, foods, and culture. Many protestant churches central
offices are located in this city as well such as: GKPS (Simalungun
Protestant Christian Church), HKI (Indonesian Christian Church), GKPI
(Indonesian Protestant Christian Church) - are those of Protestant
mainstream, member of PGI (Indonesian Community Churches). Besides these
churches, there are also HKBP (Protestant Batak Christian Church),
Catholic and some other Protestant denominations. 

People of Pematangsiantar of different cultural and religious
backgrounds are living side by side. Right on this city it is easy to
find churches, mosques, and temples. They have been interacting so at
least since the end of the 19th century. As of ethnic, here we can find:
Simalungun, Toba, Karo, Angkola, Pakpak, Chinese, Indian, Nias, Padang ,
Javanese, Menado, Dayak, and some others. 

At the beginning of the 20th century, the colonial government brought
Toba people to Simalungun to work on the rice field. At that time, the
plantation was booming in East Sumatra (Pematangsiantar area including).
Many labors came out side of this area; they needed rice. 

Toba people were more advanced in cultivating rice field compare to
Simalungun which used to cultivate at dry-land at that time. So the
village like Panombean where SBY came last year to harvest paddy is a
village of a Toba people majority. 

Here in this city we also can find beca-Siantar, the still only one in
the world as they say. 

What a half-awake city 

Based on its historical background and the reality of today, there are
much potency that people of Pematangsiantar can develop so that this
city can become a living-city. As far as I can see, cultural works are
quite few in number as well as in quality here. 

Last October, Grace Siregar, a painter and owner of Tondi Gallery in
Medan brought tens of art-workers to exhibit their art-works in
Pematangsiantar, precisely at Pusat Latihan Opera Batak (PLOT) at Jl.
Lingga. However, since people of Pematangsiantar have been living
somehow far away from such this art-works, their attention is low; they
way they respect and value art-works is also relatively poor. 

Several educated as well as activists here (pastor, lawyer, lecturer)
once came to see the exhibition at Jl. Lingga. Through their comment
after seeing the exhibition, I noticed how the relation between
not-having arts works as part of the city-life and the poor appreciation
of people on seeing art-works. If educated people do not have such a
good capability on respecting art-work, what else then we can expect
from people in general?

Those people told me, to my surprised how they felt uncomfortable to see
the colors of black, weird-installation with somehow paganism-things
attached. They way they see the art-works is too swallowing, mainly
reach the skin not the seed. 

It is difficult to find art-works in Pematangsiantar as one of American
who lived here for months told me. The potency is truly there but who
are responsible people who can manage and have skill to deal with it?
The local government seems to be powerless. Look at the tourist
department which is also mainly deal with the skin not the seed of the
rich local culture here. The tourist department then limits the movement
and growth of culture seems to be intentionally since they are lack on
skill and knowledge . 

The clearest example I can mention is how Pesta Rondang Bintang. It
literally means a cultural event set up during the season when stars
fill the sky at night; this used to organize by young generation with
the consultation and supervision of the elders. This Rondang Bintang,
the Simalungun cultural heritage for generations is getting unfamiliar
to today Simalungun people themselves. Why? For the last three decades,
for the sake of tourist-ends, hand in hand with business, this
once-belongs-to-people cultural heritage has been taken away from them.
As now, Simalungun people are powerless and have no enough skill to
claim this powerful and educated cultural event back to them. There has
been a setback, unfortunately. 

For sure, people with no living and progressive cultural-works are
people who already falling apart; having no strong identity and
bargaining position. Therefore, they are getting weaker and powerless. 

How to wake this city up?

As I have been living in Pematangsiantar these past 10 months, I come to
see clearer how rich this second largest city of North Sumatra is. It
does rich in culture and religion. It will be powerfully inspiring if
local Pematangsiantar people can hand in hand with diasporas ones who
live out side of this city to think and act seriously of how to build
this city not only in term of infrastructure (road, building, facility)
but also on cultural and religious building. 

Everything in our life is interconnecting and interdependent; we truly
can not separate culture from religion, economy from art, politic from
identity, etc. Therefore, we do need to cooperate so that we can build
our better society; cooperation (dialogue) is the guarantee for our
future. To do so, we need people with knowledge, wisdom, as well
capacity; we need inspiring-people to take the first steps. These steps
can be started from any side either by the churches here, the local
government, the journalists, as well as those who have willingness on
how to enliven this city culturally. 

To enliven a city culturally better and has to be the works of the
people since it is the only guarantee that it belongs to them. Only a
sense of belonging can secure a culture too. 

By running two events recently in Pematangsiantar inviting mainly young
generation to participate, I come to see an inspiring-hope of how
possible this cultural building in this city is. First, on Jan 19, 2009,
I invited young people to participate on how to run website with
instructors from Telkom Pematangsiantar. Second, on Feb. 2, 2009
inviting people, mainly young generation as well to come to a literature
and cultural discussion with the main speaker, Ayu Utami, one of the
best writers in Indonesia today. 

The young generations here in Pematangsiantar are optimistic, willing to
learn and participate. The problem, as I notice, has been lack of
opportunity and skill. Therefore we need more people here with enough
capability and willingness to work on this cultural building. They are
here; they only need to set up time to meet to sharpen the way the need
to work. ***



Adela Kristine 

PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia

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